Drawbacks in HTML 4 and XHTML
HTML 4 was a standard that was universally accepted for developing Web sites. It is a very stable coding language which ignores small coding errors. Also, HTML 4 is majorly compatible with all important browsers.
HTML 5 adds new capabilities to the previous version of HTML. It is a revised code build on the basis of HTML 4. HTML 5 provides major improvement through better interactivity, multimedia services, and application handling. For example, you can directly play a video or audio on any browser without the need to install external plug-ins such as Flash or Silver light.
X HTML was a version of HTML 4 that was created along with XML. It was a rigid, standards based language that allowed no room for errors. X HTML was supposed to be the next version of HTML 4 but due to interchangeability problems, it took a backseat and HTML 5 would be the next standard for Web site development.