New Features of HTML 5
Some of the new features introduced in HTML 5 are as follows:
- The <canvas> element is used for 2D drawing.
- New content-specific elements, such as <article>, <nav>, <header>, <footer>, <section>, and so on helps to structure the document.
- HTML 5 has local storage support.
- The <audio> and <video> elements is available for media playback.
- New form controls, such as calendar, date, tie, e-mail, URL, search, and so on have been provided by HTML 5.
- The Web workers API is added to support background processes without disturbing the main process. The common problems faced by Web applications are slow performance when a large set of data is processed. This is due to the fact that all the processes are executed in a single thread. Web workers help to solve this problem.
- The Web Sockets API provides a continuous connection between a server and a client by using a specific port.Thus,the Web applications become efficient as the data can be easily exchanged between client and server without reloading the page constantly.
- Easier access to location specific data which is made available by devices having Global Positing System (GPS) capabilities. This improved functionality is achieved with the help of API.
- HTML 5 allows Web applications to be executed offline by storing the files and other resources required in the application cache. Web application data is saved locally
using Web SQL databases.